APS Federal Credit Union VISA Credit Card
A Simple Card for a Complicated Life!
- 11.5% Fixed APR
- No Annual Fee
- 25 Day courtesy period
Promotional Rates:
7.99% – All new purchases and cash advances
5.99% – Balance transfers from another credit card
The Credit Union reserves the right to cancel promotional rates at anytime.
To learn more information about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, you can visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau website at www.consumerfinance.gov/learnmore.
Call the Credit Union Office at 724-483-6260 for details and an application!
Important Phone Numbers for your VISA Card
- Call 724-483-6260 during office hours. (Mon – Fri, 7:00 am to 3:00 pm)
- For 24-hour Cardholder Services, call 1-866-820-3884
- If Lost or Stolen, Call 1-800-820-3884
- To obtain assistance while traveling 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, call the VISA Assistance Center; Within the U.S. call toll-free 1-800-VISA-911 (1-800-847-2911). Outside the U.S. call collect (303) 967-1096.
APS VISA Card AccessPoint – The APS VISA Card AccessPoint website allows you to manage your Visa Card online. To access your account, visit VISA Card AccessPoint